RefillMyBottle works with diverse businesses, nonprofits, and other organisations to address plastic waste problems starting in Indonesia. Our partners contribute more than financial support. Their time, manpower, support, and ideas are helping us build a stronger community.
Official working partner of RefillMyBottle
Official RefillAmbassadors leading the RefillMyBottle initiative in their local community
Supporting RefillMyBottle by joining our co-branded bottle program. Contact us to purchase the bottles!
Below are some other refill organisations across the world. Together, we are making refill possible.
The project aims to develop and promote sustainable consumption and production of tourism in Luang Prabang.
For sharing and finding way of coexistence between nature and human.
Footprint Travel in Vietnam & Indochina is dedicated to responsible tourism, actively reducing plastic waste on our eco-friendly tours for a positive impact on the planet.